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Journey - The Rules-Light, Any Setting RPG
Publisher: Left Hand Publishing
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/21/2020 20:52:39

Journey is a short and sweet set of rules combined with some great GMing tips. It really is “rules light” and works with “any setting.”

The first part deals with what world to use. A pre-published setting of course, or the GM’s designed setting. The third option is an outline of how the players and GM can build a world together. It’s a simple and effective way to do exactly that.

Mechanically, characters are a combination of simple mechanics (just four stats, attack and defense, and wounds based on those stats) and roleplaying elements (things like your high concept, traits, goals, and fears). There’s just enough of each to give some structure to the character and playing the game while encouraging some creativity and unique characters.

The system is simple; d10 plus attribute (which are just -/+ modifiers). You roll versus a target’s defense or else a difficulty number set by the GM. The magic system is simple and easy: Describe what you want a spell to do and the GM decides if you can do it and what sort of difficulty it would be.

There’s a nice section on running combat and making it interesting. Also included are some suggestions on how to stat out monsters and adjust them accordingly during combat to help (or hinder) the characters.

I’ve run Journey twice using the suggested world building outline and both times, after going around the table with the players several times, we came up with engaging worlds, backstories, histories, events, locations, and then some plot hooks to get things rolling.

I really think Journey boils down the essence of RPGs: interesting characters that can tell a story with a simple framework for playing and some great GM advice for making it all happen. It’s well worth the few dollars!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Journey - The Rules-Light, Any Setting RPG
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The No-Prep Gamemaster
Publisher: dicegeeks
by Mark B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/18/2019 07:30:41

I love GMing RPGs but it's rare that I have enough time to sit down, read, absorb, and prep a module. And while I have some ideas for campaigns or adventures, pre-written modules are my go to since they involve less prep and everything is laid out. But lately I've been trying to look at some lighter rules systems and ideas on running RPGs with less prep. This book was an immense help. In fact, after reading through it, I gave it a shot: ran a one-shot, ZERO PREP rules light RPG at our game store's game day. We came up with a setting and using a bunch of tips in this book, I wove together and adventure that the folks at the table really enjoyed!

The author begins by sharing his own GMing experience, then moves into suggestions on how to fill your mind with story ideas, and finishes with advice on using random tables to get ideas and turn them into plots and stories on the fly. It's simple, but really good stuff. The best part is, a key theme is "Why does the GM have to do all the work?" By carefully listening to your players, they'll help you write the story as the adventures unfold. It's so obvious and yet clever.

If you'd like to venture into trying to run a game but you have no time, give this book a look and I think you'll find a ton of useful tidbits to make it happen!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The No-Prep Gamemaster
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