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Heroic Maps - Giant Maps: Langstone Castle $9.99
Publisher: Heroic Maps
by Chris M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/14/2019 02:51:37

As always, Heroic Maps delivers really solid maps. It's a nice, large map with good attention to detail. There's a lot of really subtle details that really bring it to life.

There are a few nitpicky things- some of the walls look a bit weird, and you can tell that some of the doors aren't perfectly placed over walls. There's also the reoccuring problem with the dpi listed in the description not being accurate for VTTs such as D20PRO (this one is 275, not 250.)

Regardless, if you're looking for a good fort or a small castle, this one is definitely quite nice. Great work as always.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Heroic Maps - Giant Maps: Langstone Castle
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