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ZZ Character Workbooks [PFRPG 1e] [BUNDLE]

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ZZ Character Workbooks [PFRPG 1e] [BUNDLE]
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ZZ Character Workbooks [PFRPG 1e] [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Lightspress Media
by Derek B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/21/2019 00:50:40

This is one of the single greatest purchases one can get. I purchased it quite a while ago, but lost the link this. I have the new updated version and the original release. These are much more clean.

Having new people at the table having never played thsi game, this resource is invaluable. You don't always have time to walk everyone through it, and double checking they were able to fill out everything correctly. This step by step process makes it incredibly easy for any new player to sit down and make a character, as well as level them up. If they still aren't catching on after the first few levels, no problem. This continues all the way to level 20 without making anyone feel guilty. It's especially great in that there's so many different books because each class has their own unique quirk that you might forget about. Especially if you've got a summoner or druid, and have to remember to level up your companion.

Highy, highly recommend this bundle. At the very lease, pick up the general workbook if nothing else. The convenience and peace of mind is worth it.

I'm hoping that eventually we might see this for 2e as well because I've already heard horror stories from players who are confused just from going from level 1 to level 2.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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